Using Video Content In Classroom To Amplify Learning

With the popularity of digital platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc, and all the video content gaining attention and continuing to grow, it seems only reasonable that this well-known and widely used medium should indeed be extended into the educational system. 

First-time appointed teachers, much of the time battle to find techniques to enhance their educational program. Video content might be an amazing instrument for helping understudies in securing more top to bottom information on themes.

It is a must for teachers to make use of all advanced available resources to reach out to pupils, guarantee that they have the necessary skills to succeed. Keeping students invested and on track requires keeping them interested and passionate about what they are studying. By incorporating audio and visual aspects into topics, video assists students in enhancing their learning.

Advantages of adding videos in classroom learning

Video usage in teaching and learning benefits not only students, but also instructors, their linked institutions, and the entire educational system.

  • The creative challenge of utilizing moving visuals and sound to communicate an appealing and informative subject, allows learners to obtain extra skills that may be applied to the film business. These include knowledge of a subject, cooperation, problem-solving talents, technology, and organizational qualities.
  • Videos may be a wonderful tool for learners to better grasp information, and it is important to recall how frequently we use video, while doing this, it is critical to have a clear purpose on movie, documentary, or news segments.
  • Using videos helps to develop background knowledge about the topic. When a topic is represented to students in various visual media ways students are likely to retain it better. We also know from extensive study that employing images is critical for people learning a new language. 

What does the research say about using video content in the classroom

According to the current study, movies utilized in class were beneficial in improving teacher candidates’ performance (17.1%) and involvement in class (27.8 %). Videos broaden student understanding by allowing for group discussions and the acquisition of higher-level cognitive abilities.

Cognitive science is, basically, the study of how humans process information. The theory behind instructional films is that by seeing them through both the visual/pictorial and auditory/verbal processing channels, learners are able to form more meaningful connections that aid in memory and recall. 

The best ways to use videos in the classroom to amplify learning 

  • Short video films with interactive maps, famous campus characters, and significant traditions and landmarks may be an excellent way to introduce students and their families to your facilities. This is an excellent alternative for students who are unable to attend in person. 
  • Educators while choosing the video should select specific clips carefully. The clips must connect directly to the subject being taught and be focused on specific skills or concepts.
  • You can pause the video along the way so that students can discuss and respond to the topic presented in the video.
  • Because a single clip may have a tremendous impact, choose the most dynamic and revealing sections of the film, news piece, or documentary to show students. Select your purpose first; this will assist you to determine what to exhibit and how to frame it for pupils.
  • Lectures and other introductory material can be watched prior to class, allowing for greater practice and skill-related class activities. These videos are available at the student’s leisure and may be seen several times to help with curriculum and skill acquisition.
  • Make a mission statement. How can we ensure that pupils are paying attention? Before you watch the video, give it a mission.
  • Take a moment to reflect (and write). Allow kids to ponder by pausing the video. Avoid having pupils do an activity such as taking notes or answering questions while they are watching.
  • Enable closed captioning. Students can read along while watching. Consider offering transcripts as a handout or digital copy for content-rich video pieces, especially if your learners are expected to apply what they have learned from the video

Creating the videos: 

Making videos has now become second nature to all of us. As learning experts, we must always improve our thinking skills and add video strategy to our arsenal. This will make our learning interventions more effective, interesting, and relevant to our students. When developing a successful and valuable educational film, consider the following suggestions:

  • Unless you’re attempting to convey a lot of information, keep films to five minutes or less. Shorter video segments (five to ten minutes) assist pupils to understand the content without becoming overwhelmed or losing attention when used in the classroom. Longer movies are also helpful; nevertheless, their entire duration should normally not exceed 30 minutes. displaying video clips in short bursts and Keeping the whole duration to a manageable running time aids in keeping viewers engaged.
  • To keep learners interested, maintain a conversational and energetic tone.
  • Maintain a proper balance of audio and visual components throughout.
  • Divide videos into small chunks based on a topic or theme.
  • In order to encourage introspection and ownership, provide interactive and responsive elements such as a brief quiz.
  • Captions and subtitles for videos have also been shown to be useful in assisting pupils in accessing and processing information. This is especially true when addressing diverse student groups such as non-native English speakers and students with special needs.

Final note: Hope you have liked our effort and find this article helpful. Now, I guess you all have a clue now, how to benefit your students and boost up the lessons with videos that are in a digitalized way. Happy teaching and learning!

Carter Martin

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