How your book links help you promote your book

Writing a book and then turning it into something real which people will actually read is a huge achievement in itself. Most of the people who talk about writing a book just never start and then here you are who has already become an author and not on another crucial stage of your journey as an author that is – marketing your book, promoting your work as much as you can so it reaches to the people and they can read your work. Trust me when you get readers who genuinely hold an interest in your work, your piece of writing, it feels rewarding.

But here’s the hard part, you will have to work hard in order to help your book reach the readers. So, working on the visibility of your book is a tough job unless you published from a popular traditional publishing house. In that case, half of your work is already done in order to make your book visible. As self-published authors, we have a lot of things to do as – we are the in-charge of everything that’s going to happen without a book. But, Thanks to social media platforms and the digitally growing online world that it has now become a lot easier for us to increase our book visibility. All we need is some proper guidance as well as some really helpful strategies.

In this article, How your book links help you promote your book – we will closely look at the ways we can use our books link to promote them on the internet. Also, we will see some of the online book promoting platforms that we can use to make our book more visible. Be it your physically published book or your ebooks, as long as the link to your book is available to you, you can read this article and use it for your own benefit.

How your book links help you promote your book

Once you put your book out there on websites like Amazon and other book-selling sites, it is time to work with the links of your book and make it available for the readers and people out there who might love to read your work. So, given below are some tips and platforms that can help you share the existence of your book with the world.

  • Provide the link wherever you can – Now, providing the link of your book where you can doesnt mean you put the link everywhere unneccessarily. That won’t make sense. So what this point is exactly about? Suppose, you write blog or you have a youtube channe, of course you will try and promote your book there. You will make an announcement for your book release and do some book related stuff. That’s when you use the link for you books which futher allows the people who might be reading your blog or watching your youtube video instantly get to know all about your book if they wish to check. So, even if they are thinking, seeing the link they are likely to click on the link before they think otherwise.
  • Use your book link on social media platforms – Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, facebook, LinkedIn, pinterest and even goodreads are the apps that provides you a large number of readers. In fact, if you do a little bit reasearch you can find many other reading apps that you can try and explore. So, using proper hashtags, and adding links of your book to your bio or even creating a seperate highlight story for your book with link helps in promoting your book too! This does seem like an obivous step to take but a lot of times many writers forget to put these small efforts, make sure you don’t do the same!
  • Reaching out through Emails – Emails are important to almost every literate human being. So, why not try and promote your book through email. To be more specific – it is called Email Marketing. So, if you want you can reach out to people who have already subcribed to your website or blog or you can start now to prepare your mailing list. Even if you are new to email marketing, it’s not late to do your research and start putting efforts into the process. There are writer who has successfully promoted their book through email marketing.

Knowing where to exactly use your book links to promote your book and make it appear more in the market you have to try and explore different methods and see what works for you. It is important you have the right audience to appreciate your work. Also, when you try and approach the readers on different platforms keep in mind that you won’t get the same results from all the platforms, they may vary but the key is to stay consistent.

Hope you find this article helpful!

Carter Martin

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