6 elementary reading strategies that really work

Reading is a skill that is taught very first in school because every individual has to read something to understand it. We read so many things around us and it is kind of a fundamental ability one should have.

Not it is up to the teacher to make students learn the strategies so that they can easily read and comprehend them. Teaching reading tacts from the elementary school is really vital for the success of students on an overall basis

Here are the 6 reading strategies for elementary students that really work:

  1. Having fluency and good phonics is essential for new readers. Reading aloud in the class enables us to build confidence and much familiar with reading words. Choral reading is actually when the teacher and students read together aloud and the teacher by this method can get an idea about the struggle areas of the child and can help the student by letting them know about the pronunciation, phonics, and meaning related to it. Make sure not to over-correct let them help themselves n between. Teachers can further form groups and make a strong reader read first so that students get to know the difficult words and how they are read. Raising questions by students, discussing them in groups while reading will grab their attention and influence them to be more attentive.
  1. It is crucial to keep checking the elementary school students, that how much they are understanding the alphabets, decoding the word, and able to read the sentence correctly. Sit with the students, take a look at what they are reading and how are they reading, the speed and expression are also vital here. Make creative cards, posters with them on topics, essays and ost them on the board or wall, this is a kind of display reading strategy. Decorating the class with the display reading pictures can also increase their reading ability.
  1. Pairing students for reading or creating groups enhance the students’ participation and broadens their thinking horizon of theirs. You can provide them with various jobs like questioning, another student can be an explainer, etc. By this students will know what they are reading. The teacher can also instruct the students to write what they understood from the text, what question is hitting their mind, and what they found interesting about the text, to know the prior knowledge of students and what they are expecting to learn. Encouraging them to write can indulge them more with reading, reviewing the text, and thinking more.
  1. Make your students read content multiple times so that they gain meaning and reading comprehension. Not only this, fluency gets added to students reading when they reread the text. It is believed that a normal third-grade student should have the ability to read atleast 90 words per minute. Re-reading makes them more relative to the words, pronunciation and analyzing the wrong tone while reading. Motivate them to guess the upcoming theme or story plot in order to have them use prior knowledge more. For reading comprehension, using prior knowledge also have shown good results.
  1. Many times elementary kids are reading books that are not actually meant for their level and age. Teachers should talk to parents about what other books are children reading. What is the level of difficulty? Are these easy? Is it suitable for students of that age? If a student is facing problems in reading a class book then look for other alternatives that students find easy to read and start with.
  1. The teachers should appreciate the little efforts of students while tracing reading. This help students to feel accomplished on the short level and help them to set further target in reading. Whether they decoding a word, sentence, or meaning, don’t forget to praise the children. Find the best suitable and effective way to praise them, like, “I know you can do even better”, “that was a really good effort”, “you are doing great child!” etc. The praise should be in the middle not to the perfect level so that they know they need to work and for which they are seeing results too. Don’t praise them again and again which can get them sad when they make mistakes. Even if students are not doing that better which they should do, still appreciate and guide them further. This is the easiest and yet most critical strategy.


Students are really intuitive and every student is different. Being genuine with the process as well as the students is really essential for teachers. The teacher keeps on learning as they get to deal with students of all sorts and should strategize the process according to it. In this teaching reading process, patience and perseverance will be the supporting agents. So teachers you know what to do now! Happy teaching!

Carter Martin

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