Shall I publish my ebook on Google playbooks?

Nowadays, everything has an alternative. Technology has made things very easy. The most common example one can give is of online payment. You have no money in your pocket – no problem, you can go cashless. Pay through your phone. Similarly, there is an alternative for physical books which every reader is now aware of … Read more

How to get your book picked up by a publisher?

Writing a book is a very creative yet tough job in itself. There’s so much the author has to keep in mind right from the start till the very end. One of the toughest work is to have your book picked by a publisher and if you are also looking for publishers and have your … Read more

Seven must-have online writing apps for writers

In this article, you will find – Seven must-have online writing apps for writers. The apps will cover different areas of writing and some will help you keep updated about what is happening in the writing world. If you are a novel writer, blogger, article writer, journalist, etc then keep reading!

5 Best Traditional Publishing Companies that you can choose for your Book!

Nowadays a lot of publishing houses are coming in front, not only traditional publishing houses but self-publishing houses as well! Though we now have the self-publishing option a lot of people still opt for traditional publishing because that seems less scary. In this article, we will be suggesting to you some of the publishing houses … Read more