5 Best Traditional Publishing Companies that you can choose for your Book!

Nowadays a lot of publishing houses are coming in front, not only traditional publishing houses but self-publishing houses as well! Though we now have the self-publishing option a lot of people still opt for traditional publishing because that seems less scary. In this article, we will be suggesting to you some of the publishing houses that you can choose to traditionally publish your work of literature!

Before we start – a few things to keep in mind – Make sure your manuscript is complete before you decide to look up for the traditional publishing houses and at least 2 to 3 chapters of your writing is edited and polished. Another thing to keep in mind when you want to contact a traditional publisher is to make sure you have a strong author bio and lastly, you need to have an approx. 1000-word synopsis of your book. If all of these steps are already completed then let’s get more into publishing houses.

5 Best Traditional Publishing Companies:

  • Harpercollins
  • Penguin Random House
  • Bloomsbury Publishing
  • Rupa Publications
  • Shristi Publishers & Distributor

Listed above are some top 5 best publishing houses but if you want you can look for more publishing houses in your city to be more specific about the publishing houses in your area. Now without any delay, let us know more about these publishing houses.

  1. Harpercollins – Harpercollins was founded by the Harper brothers in 1817 and now has more than 100 brand imprints around the world. The headquarters of Harpercollins is in Newyork city and its branches are built across 12 countries. They publish approximately 10,000 books every year in more than 15 languages. They provide all the information and instructions for people who are looking for publishing companies for their books. No matter from which country you belong, Harpercollins lists all the countries that they are in on their main website.
  2. Penguin Random House – This is another publishing house that is headquartered in New York with operations in more than 20 countries and has more than 300 imprints and brands. Not only that but it also has more than 100,000 ebooks available online. It is one of the most reputated publishing houses in the world. Their mission is to ignite a universal passion for reading by creating books for everyone. The thing to keep in mind is that they do not publish short stories, novellas, poetry collections, or short story collections.
  3. Bloomsbury Publishing – Bloomsbury is another famous publishing house worldwide that doesn’t know about the most loved series like The court of thorns and roses, the Harry Potter series which was published by this publishing house. Their main purpose is to inform, educate, entertain and inspire readers of all ages and backgrounds. They are committed to helping authors not only established but also new. Its offices include the UK, Oxford (UK), Australia, USA, and India.
  4. Rupa Publications – It is an Indian Publishing Company based in New Delhi. It was founded in the year 1936. This publishing house has published some very famous people such as L.K Advani, Mark Tully, F.C Kohli, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Ruskin Bond, and many others. They have a wide variety of genres to provide which is a plus point when one is looking to publish their books. From fiction to politics and non-fiction, you name it. This publishing house requires you to send a hard copy of your proposal to the address provided on their website with further instructions explain.
  5. Shristi Publishers & Distributor – This publishing house is very well known for its new authors and bestsellers. Shristi Publishers & Distributor publishing house was founded by Mr. JK Bose. Their goal is to provide as many quality books available to the readers at affordable prices. Preeti Shenoy is one of the authors whose books are published by Shristi Publishers and they also have bestsellers like ‘because life is a gift and ‘I still think about you and many other books as such. They provide very detailed instructions on the process of submitting your manuscript, make sure you read it carefully.

Provided above are the 5 best traditional publishing houses that one can consider and can look forward to when the manuscript is complete. Always keep in mind, to stay updated with what’s happening and research as much as you can before submitting your manuscript to a particular traditional publishing house.

Wish you all the best in your writing. Hope this article helped you in some way. Thank you for visiting the page!

Carter Martin

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