When do you use a comma before or after but

Grammar is always stressful when you have missed the basics but now that you are working on it, it’ll get better and easier to understand most of the needed grammatical terms! Sometimes, when you are writing, a lot of confusion happens. But if you are stuck with this particular confusion of using ‘but’ and commas … Read more

When to add Comma (,) before or after Which

English Grammar can get confusing at times as we all know that English is a growing language that has many versions. A writer who might know things already can still get confused sometimes and the reasons can be many but mostly the confusion is because of too many terms that sound the same with a … Read more

Is the Schwa the cause of your common grammar mistake?

The English language is a language that is spoken by more than 800 million people around the world. It is a language that is spoken globally, known by most of the world and when you read the facts that talk about the English language you will get to know that thousands of new words are … Read more

Strong Verbs that Sharpen your Writing

Writing is never an easy job but somehow it is also very rewarding. And knowing when and where to use the right words adds so much joy while writing but that needs experience but as a new writer, it can get quite tricky. In this article, you will be able to get the idea of … Read more

Is it necessary to add Comma before and in a list?

this article comes in to provide some help to your confused state of mind. So, in this article, we will see if Is it necessary to add Comma before and in a list? If the answer is yes or no or if it just depends. So without any delay let us get straight to the point!

Difference between Affect Vs Effect

English is a very interesting language that sometimes can be tricky and sometimes confusing. The language has such an ever-growing huge vocabulary that it is almost impossible to keep track of words sometimes. After reading this article you will be able to understand the difference between the words – Affect and Effect. If you are … Read more