How to get ‘neither’ ‘nor’ ‘either’ and ‘or’ right every time?

Sometimes the English words can be a lot confusing and especially if you are new to the English language which is very common. In fact, people who know the English language for years do make common mistakes without knowing it. English is a language that has a very rich vocabulary due to which there are words that are different but are considered similar but that is where we need to learn and understand the difference.

So, this article will help you understand – How to get ‘neither’ ‘nor’ ‘either’ and ‘or’ right every time? We all know some of these words are commonly confused with each other but that doesn’t mean we should neglect them in our writing. Speaking a language and writing in a language are two complete things. So, it is good that you are already here clearing your doubts which makes you a smart and responsible person.

How to get ‘neither’ ‘nor’ ‘either’ and ‘or’ right every time?

So, without any delay let us understand each word’s meaning and the way they are used in a sentence. We have also provided examples to help you understand the words and their use clearly.

Neither – As a part of speech, the word ‘neither’ can be used as adverb, determiner, and pronoun. Basically, the word ‘neither’ is used to tell the negative statement with the rejection of one or more alternatives. The examples provided below will help you understand the meaning of the word ‘neither’ more clearly –

  • Neither of them came to see her at the hospital.
  • Neither of use own a car but we are still happy.
  • The furniture he got is neither good nor useful.
  • I saw you both at the park neither of you is telling the truth.
  • She made it clear that she neither of them are her friends.
  • Neither of us mentioned that incident in front of her.
  • Anyways, neither of them were making sense.

Nor – The word ‘nor’, as a part of speech in a sentence, can be a noun, adverb, or conjunction in a sentence. Basically, it is used after the word neither in a sentence to continue and add another negative statement to the sentence. Remember that the word ‘nor’ is very rarely used alone in a sentence.

Let us read a few examples that have ‘nor’ in them to help you understand the use of ‘nor’ in a sentence –

  • So, neither you nor him went to the party that day?
  • They looked neither good nor suitable for the job that she was providing to others.
  • He looked neither happy nor sad that day.
  • He is neither the bad guy like in the stories nor the villian, to be sure.
  • Let me assure you, neither of you can scare her off nor make her surrender.
  • Life is neither complex nor simple, it is unpredictable.
  • Neither they confirmed their feelings for each other nor did they denied them.

Either – The word Either plays different parts of speech in a sentence. Sometimes it is a conjunction, sometimes adverb, and sometimes pronoun. Basically, the word ‘either’ is used when a person is supposed to choose among the alternatives.

Let us see some examples to help you understand the use of the word ‘either’ in the list given below –

  • It wasn’t easy for either of them.
  • Either of you can join the meeting.
  • He behaved as if he did’nt know either of them.
  • Either you go today or you don’t go at all.
  • And I don’t believe in what you are saying either
  • I won’t answer that either.
  • I can’t walk either.
  • I don’t want to spend my day either way. I have better plans.
  • You are right. Either she tricked everyone or did’nt at all.

Or – The word ‘or’, as a part of speech, can be used as a conjunction or noun. The basic work of the word ‘or’ is to link alternatives. Also, it is used to connect similar sentences. Let us look at some of the sentences that contain ‘or’ for understanding the meaning and function of the word –

  • Are you coming with me or on your own?
  • What will you take – coffee or juice?
  • Make a choice already. It can be right or wrong but you have to do it.
  • I think I want the black dress or is the red one looking more cute?
  • In this walking workout, ifyou want you can use dumbells or nothing at all.
  • Just make sure if you locked the door or not.
  • You want to go to the beach or you want to stay at home?
  • Either pasta or pizza will work.

Examples always help to understand a certain concept. So, always make sure to look up examples when you are trying to learn new concepts and terms. We hope that the examples provided above helped you to understand the concept of all four words. Also, Keep in mind – Neither and nor are used as negative terms whereas words – either and or are mostly used in a positive way. Revising the things that you learned always helps you to keep things in your mind in an active way.

Hope you find this article helpful, thank you for visiting the page!

Carter Martin

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