Making sure your Praise is Effective

Praise improves on-task behaviour, engagement, effort, and involvement. Many studies show that even the most difficult habits may be rewarded with praise. Perhaps, like me, you’ve seen how praise affects both the giver and the receiver’s consciousness. What Makes Praise Truly Effective? Sincere praise is the most effective form of praise. To put it another … Read more

Important questions to ask your students | Know your students asking these questions!

Here are the important questions to ask your students for creating a good bond with students and speedup the process of understanding the students which would have happened over time. Teaching can become more fruitful when the student-teacher relationship is based on trust and good terms. It’s not just about knowing the name, address, or … Read more

De-escalation Exercise for Upset Students

An upset learner can reclaim the frame of mind essential for learning with a simple procedure that takes only a few minutes. We frequently encounter pupils who are nervous or apprehensive. Inappropriate actions or outbursts, nasty comments, and anxiety-related emotions like fidgeting, leg shaking, and hand clenching are the most obvious indications. These indications should … Read more

Science of Drawing and Memory Retention

It has long been recognized that sketching something helps one remember it. Drawing, according to recent research, outperforms other hobbies such as reading or writing because it challenges people to absorb information in various ways: visually, kinesthetically, and semantically. Researchers discovered that sketching information was a strong technique to increase memory, virtually doubling recall in … Read more

Long term Influence of Effective Teachers on Students (Understanding Effective Teachers’ Impact on Learning)

Effective Teachers with the characteristics of a “charismatic intellectual person” have an impact on students’ intellect as well as their spirits, affecting how they view themselves for the rest of their lives. Numerous individuals highlight the significance of competent teachers, and many programs at the local, state, and federal levels are aimed at improving teacher … Read more

Inquiry and Research Process

Learning through Inquiry and Research Processes I had an intriguing talk with a group of educators during the summer. “What if the librarians already have a district-approved research process?” a technology consultant asked after spending several days considering strategies to foster student inquiry. Is there a contradiction between what we’re doing?” As I studied her … Read more

Treating Reflection as a habit, not an Event

What do you think about reflection? Do you think it enhances student learning and knowledge? Of course, it increases the learning of students and nourishes them to grow their mindset and capabilities for more improvisation, and lets them learn from their mistakes. Teachers might involve the students in the reflection in classrooms but it is … Read more

Getting started with Self-paced Learning

Giving kids some control over their learning rate might help them build self-confidence and problem-solving abilities. The modern classroom is evolving from one in which professors speak and students listen to one in which students take charge of their education and teachers enable it. Here’s a deeper look at the self-placed classroom and how you … Read more

7 Grading “must-know” hacks for new Teachers

New teacher? We know the struggle!   There is a lot to be excited about for new instructors. They’ve started a terrific adventure of meeting kids, making lesson plans, and starting a job that they’re passionate about. On the contrary, grading is one component of teaching that early-career instructors worry about rather than enjoy. Indeed grading … Read more

Difference between Affect Vs Effect

English is a very interesting language that sometimes can be tricky and sometimes confusing. The language has such an ever-growing huge vocabulary that it is almost impossible to keep track of words sometimes. After reading this article you will be able to understand the difference between the words – Affect and Effect. If you are … Read more