Treating Reflection as a habit, not an Event

What do you think about reflection? Do you think it enhances student learning and knowledge? Of course, it increases the learning of students and nourishes them to grow their mindset and capabilities for more improvisation, and lets them learn from their mistakes. Teachers might involve the students in the reflection in classrooms but it is not becoming a habit. Do you think it should become habitual? Teachers are facing more challenges and getting learning outcomes, but they can’t afford to forget the reflection part aside. 

And yearly milestones like student-led conferences or mid-semester reflection points may help to reinforce the idea that a reflection is an event. However, while these milestones are vital, we must move away from huge events and incorporate constant reflection into the classroom culture and routine. What can you do in your jam-packed schedules to make this a reality? Let us know how to make it possible with our efforts. 

What is the Student’s reflection? 

Student reflection is a vital aspect of the learning process because it allows students to not only appreciate and recognize the work they’ve done and the progress they’ve made but also allows them to learn more about themselves as learners. All pupils, whether in elementary, middle, or high school, will benefit from introspection.

Setting and evaluating goals throughout the year is one of the simplest methods to foster frequent student reflection and critical thinking. Goal setting empowers students to take care of their learning, engages them in reviewing their assessment findings, and improves metacognition by allowing them to set attainable growth and improvement goals.

You’ll be able to better direct learning with individualized lesson plans and informed check-ins, rather than mandated approaches that may not work for every student, once students have stated their goals. However, often one makes the mistake of treating goal-setting and student reflection as a one-time event rather than something that should be done daily, the benefits of reflection can be felt through improved student outcomes and overall class culture when they are part of a routine. 

How to treat reflection as a habit, not an event? 

Do you want to know how to make reflection a habit? If not, then you will come to know in this article with the help of the following points:

  • Setting more short-term frequent goals.
  • Checking in quickly.
  • Creating a portfolio of processes.
  • Stick to the routine.

Let us understand these points in detail: 

  • Setting more short-term frequent goals- Have students reflect on what they’re working on more frequently instead of or in addition to setting goals a few times a year. Students can use daily learning targets to reflect on their goals frequently. Ask students to set a goal relating to the material or a behavioral focus once they’ve presented the daily learning target. Have them rapidly reflect on that short-term goal at the end of the lesson. They can feel a feeling of accomplishment if they met the goal, or they can think about how to improve their performance next time if they didn’t quite make it.

Similarly, having students establish goals for a unit will encourage them to reflect more frequently than a semester or year-long goal. While goal-setting may appear to be a one-time event at first, if it is incorporated into all units, it will become a routine. These goals can be checked as often as needed throughout the unit, and they can help develop a sense of progress over time because reflection is a common way of interacting with the goal.

  • Checking in quickly-  Quick check-ins can help you make reflection a habit, and they’re essential for keeping track of short-term goals. The importance of questions is crucial in this situation. Simple questions centered around the word “What?” “So what?” and “Now what?” are safe, low-stakes ways for students to digest their information, establish connections, and plan the next steps.

You should ask your students various things such as:

  1. What did you complete today?
  2.  Which thing did you like the most today?
  3. Did you face any problems today?
  4. What are the things you have to learn about more?
  • Creating a portfolio of processes-  Portfolios are well-suited to both short-term objectives and fast reflections. While professors frequently require students to keep portfolios to display their best work, portfolios that demonstrate growth and acknowledge the learning process can encourage continuous review. A culture of reflection is aided by a processor working portfolio. A student’s best work should not be the only thing included in a process portfolio. Instead, it should feature works-in-progress, with photographs or samples of the work as well as reflections from students.
  • Stick to the routine-  Whenever it is asked in the schools that we will be doing reflection today, students seem to have an interest in that. You need to understand that students will get bored of it if you make it a restriction, instead let students practice it by themself only. Students just have to make it a routine. 


“Practice makes a man perfect”. We all have heard this phrase, but we need to follow it. In the case of reflection, one has to do it regularly so that it becomes a habit. Teachers need to not be like making a big announcement and order the students to do it rather help students to do it simply. It is a powerful practice that encourages students in the classroom. Teachers should perform as mentors in helping the students to make this a habit and one day it will surely become a habit. This article will be helpful to you all. 

Carter Martin

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