When Young Children Return To Classroom

During the covid times when young ones are more habitual of staying with the parents, in their bedroom, or studying virtually. The students in this period are exposed less to the big classrooms, exposure to a large number of students, in-person learning, etc. This seems quite challenging to cope with the kids when they return to the classroom. Many early childhood students who have been studying remotely all the covid time, hardly know what school looks like. Also, social media has immersed monsters like anxiety in many kids’ lives. So, it is important to follow some strategies when students go back to school. Take a look!

Children may have varied opinions and questions about COVID-19 once they return to school. Children seek and want accurate information. To appropriately answer children’s queries regarding COVID-19, use child-friendly and age-appropriate materials available in your country/region that is based on scientific evidence.

While acknowledging the magnitude of what is happening throughout the world is vital, be sure to stress all of the steps made and safeguards are taken to mitigate risks in the school reopening preparations. Don’t forget to remind students about school safety rules, such as what to do if a COVID-19 case is discovered in the classroom.

Spending a lot of time in one place can be difficult for young children. Flexible seating allows individuals to choose what is most comfortable for them and contributes significantly to making a classroom feel more inviting. Bouncy balls, wiggle seats, yoga mats, miniature rockers, and sitting cushions at low tables are all ways to make your classroom feel more attractive to your children. To assist generate the physical distance required in the classroom, space out seat areas throughout the room with as much space as feasible between them.

Children have been prohibited from utilizing playgrounds and other public venues to play and connect with their classmates due to tight physical distance regulations. School safety regulations, ensure that when children return to school, they have plenty of opportunities to socialize, play, and connect with the friends they have missed for so long.

Make virtual interactions with parents, such as video calls and phone meetings, available. Consider linking parents with other parents so that they may learn about the program and share their experiences.

Create virtual tours so that parents may view the building and classrooms and picture what their children might experience if they attended. Visitors who have been completely immunized may be permitted under programs. If not everyone in the family is completely vaccinated, properly vaccinated personnel can attend in-person meetings inside with members of a single household.

Before beginning the program, consider doing in-person sessions outside on the playground to allow children to meet the instructor and other children. Make a daily framework and routines to assist youngsters to understand what to expect.

Inform parents of returning children about how daily routines may be altered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how to assist in preparing their kids for any changes. Communicate often with parents about their children’s participation in the program.

It is crucial to notice changes in students’ behavior that seem different from a regular behaving child. Please follow school policy and/or seek further help and direction if you see substantial changes in a student’s behavior that continue over time, prohibiting them from functioning or playing. Teachers may provide a lot of help if they see a youngster suffering. However, if you believe the kid requires specialized care, you should seek extra assistance and send the child to child protection services, primary care physicians, or mental health specialists.

Continue to give learning help as well as direction, and if a kid is having difficulty learning or concentrating, provide extra support or move at a slower speed. Connect with other parents whose children are in the same program and who can share information and make them feel more at ease with the program. Consult with instructors on the best way to say goodbye to their kids at the start of the day—brief goodbyes are frequently the best option.

During the transition, try to remain calm and reassuring—using a quiet voice, with a relaxed face and body to let their kid know that they would not leave them if the youngster was not secure and protected.

Take care of yourself during difficult times so that you may better care for others.

Find materials to help you learn how to build resilience and minimize anxiety. Remember that this is just a phase—building new relationships is a skill that youngsters can learn with help. Even though it is difficult to split, kids will develop a new trusting relationship with their new instructor and feel safe as a result.


No matter how hard you try, all those former curricular projects and activities aren’t going to happen the same way this year. Everything becomes a little more difficult, especially when it’s tough to hear youngsters while they’re wearing masks and small group work isn’t possible due to social separation. Instructors must listen to kids’ problems and display understanding and sensitivity. Communicate with the students as much as possible to get connected and ask about all the problems they were facing during the pandemic and lockdown. Please follow the protection or child safeguarding processes in place if a youngster says something that concerns you, Don’t forget to take a minute to appreciate this significant transition and let go of your preconceived notions about what education should be like. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that we’re all doing our best with what we’ve got this year and encourage the little kids, treat them with care and love as they are used to staying with parents for a whole day stuck at home. Show your students concerning behavior and do so to gain their trust in person too. 

Carter Martin

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