What are Teachers getting reminded of by the students’ failure? How can you help the students who are failing?

We all know that every student, whether they are studying or not, wants to pass their exams. Before the exam, they might not have even touched their books. However, they want to be passed when they receive their answer sheet. This is what happens to all pupils. Teachers should pay greater attention to the pupils who are struggling. Teachers also must lower the number of failed pupils in their classes. They should also find a way to inspire struggling kids. Along with coaching classes, they should be offered assistance and encouragement.

Students who are failing must be aware of the reasons for their failure and disclose them to their lecturers to receive the assistance they require. This is also a goal that requires a lot of effort to attain. Shyness, feelings of isolation, financial pressures, love relationships, and other factors that deter failing students from attempting to improve their position. All kids want to be understood in their difficulties, but they want a trustworthy adult in their life to whom they can reveal their emotions. Teachers should be the chosen targets, and they should be capable of taking the initial measures toward helping the needy child.

The standard educational system makes the educators feel pity as they are just making the puppets who work for good grades and stand top on the merit list. In this race of grades, those students get depressed and fail and need extra care but due to the fast pace teachers stay unaware of such kids. These kids then suffer. What are these failing students want teachers to remember while teaching?

Check this out, teachers!

1. Their grades don’t reveal my whole contribution and caliber: 

Even though they know a lot of things, they don’t get excellent grades or score a lot of points on tasks. Because they know they are going to receive a terrible mark, they often don’t even attempt. They simply wish there were more ways to demonstrate who I truly am than grades and points.

2. Motivate and encourage them:

Consider how irritated and disheartened you are with our challenging pupils at times. Now imagine how they must feel. Yes, they appear unconcerned at times, but this is generally only a cover or coping technique for their dissatisfaction. We must do everything we can to encourage them. Praise them for even the tiniest accomplishments or advances, and tell them you believe in them and are confident in their ability to achieve.

3. Show positivity: 

When instructors make an effort to get to know each of their students, they may establish a sense of belonging and connection to school in their pupils, which can help them achieve academic success. Increased collaboration and participation in the classroom are the results of positive teacher-student interactions.

4. Understand them and judge least:

Try to understand the weak students better. Spend more time and energy on them. A teacher should be treated fairly by all the students. Take a note of the weak spots of the students which can be the language barriers, shyness, non-interest, etc. Create your assignments keep every student in your mind, and make studies fun. Judging students with the amount of satisfaction you get from their content and grades is not right. Every student is different and has his/her own pace. We can’t pressurize kids but simply observe the lacking areas in their learning and work upon them.

5. Please get at their level of learning and help them more:

There are things these students can do, but not right now, like this. They just need more time than others. Instructions and assignments need to be clearer to them. School is hectic and complicated in so many ways. Their inner self simply yells this, “I know I disappoint my professors, as well as my peers while working in groups. As a result, I battle every day to feel good about myself. What am I doing incorrectly? I wish we could look at all of the things we do right in school instead of only the things we do poorly”. Inquire the struggling student about what you, as their instructor, can do to assist them. You might not receive much of a reaction, but you could be shocked by it. Then, of course, do your best. Intentionally helping students will make a lot of difference. Trus me!

6. Look at their struggle, reward tiny struggles:

Investigate the underlying issues that are causing them to suffer. Is it true that they have a learning disability? Are there any issues at home? Do they require eyeglasses? Do they spend too much time playing video games? We frequently try to treat the symptoms rather than address the cause of the problem. Don’t give up on them, analyze or find out the root problems, work on them, involve parents, and find a way.

Also, because we are educated to judge children based on their achievements, it is easy to say but extremely difficult to accomplish. It is worth it to have a growth mindset, in which children are commended for their attempts rather than their accomplishments, and errors are tolerated and even encouraged. Some professors go so far as to award students for expressing their challenges, sending the message to students that they are not alone in their struggles.

7. Don’t compare them: 

We enhance a child’s anxiety and stress levels by continually comparing him to other youngsters. Children want to please their parents, and being unable to do so may be stressful. When adolescents begin to feel that everyone else is better than them, it might impair their self-esteem.


It’s important to adopt an abundant approach with our students, emphasizing, focusing on, and expanding on their strengths while avoiding deficits. Discover each child’s unique talents, and make a list of your strengths and gems (skills, talents, and interests). Meet the kid where he or she is intellectually, socially, and emotionally, and then use those qualities to help the student improve via tailored training. With this method, all children may feel noticed, acknowledged, and encouraged in school, regardless of the number of points they’ve earned in a class or how they fared on a state test.

Carter Martin

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