Setting Effective Group Work

What we presumably already understood about student collaboration is that it is critical to learning. Collaboration is undeniably beneficial to students’ interpersonal, social, and emotional skills. You already know that children don’t study facts in a vacuum; social learning allows them to have a deeper grasp of the world.

Collaboration is something that everyone enjoys. When you bring up group work, however, it’s a whole different conversation. One of the most popular forms of student collaboration is group work. It’s also chaotic and complicated, and it never quite works out the way we want it to. Some pupils believe they are responsible for the majority of the job. Others believe they have been left out. Motivation begins to diminish. Assignments are jumbled together, and no one feels truly responsible for the work. Or, even worse, no one has a strong sense of ownership over their learning.

Collaborative group work is by its very nature difficult and messy and designed to be that way. Part of what we want students to learn is how to work through that complexity. However, if you truly want to encourage and model positive collaboration, you will come to know that in this article. 

What can you do to set up effective group work? 

So folks, why get tense? We are here with a few tips that can help you set up effective group work. Follow the below points to understand it.  Here are a few things to think about if you’re planning a collaborative group activity, lesson, or unit:

Consider the following questions:

  • Is it necessary to work in groups for this assignment?
  • Is it possible to divide the tasks into manageable chunks?

Decide exactly what you want them to learn first, and make sure it’s appropriate for group cooperation. If the work isn’t simply (and fairly) broken down, it could be worth adopting an alternate path.

Prepare ahead of time for pupils by breaking down the assignment:

A lot of scaffolding is required for effective group work. Don’t expect kids to be able to divide and conquer on their own. One of the most difficult tasks for any group, including adults, is breaking down and delegating responsibilities. Breaking down work ahead of time demonstrates how it can be done to kids. Consider delegating some of this responsibility to them over time. 

Make sure that everyone understands how work will be distributed and what each student’s tasks and responsibilities will be. Make every effort to establish interdependent projects that need children to work both independently and collaboratively.

Provide students with a framework through which they may comprehend their roles and responsibilities:

Traditional group work responsibilities (for example, timekeeper or note taker) are typically administrative. While the separation is well-intentioned, the positions don’t often directly serve our learning goals and don’t always support meaningful collaboration. 

What if the roles were organized differently? Everyone should have various responsibilities to play when pupils share ownership of what they’re learning: one task to own individually, a role in aiding a peer, and the duty to assess both themselves and someone else. Collaborating in groups can be difficult to coordinate and tough to accomplish. It is, nevertheless, an excellent opportunity to hone communication and teamwork abilities. Students can use visual brainstorming tools like mind maps and virtual corkboards to get organized and feel more comfortable sharing their ideas. 

Using a digital tool can be beneficial:

The three internet tools listed below are designed exclusively for brainstorming in groups. At any time, children can add text, videos, or photographs (remotely or during class). Students will also learn crucial presentation skills while working creatively as part of their team by aesthetically organizing group work.

  • Mural: Designed for numerous users to share ideas, Mural allows students to collaborate in class or remotely on projects. As group members submit text, videos, and images to their boards, students can see them evolve. They can also move and update objects during the brainstorming session, just like they would with Post-it notes. Teachers can construct protected rooms, or folders, to hold mural boards and manage sharing in the commercial edition.
  • MindMeister: This mind-mapping website is great for older students because it has a basic layout with a lot of sharing options. Students can choose from a variety of pre-made designs or create their map by selecting a core theme and filling in nodes with notes, photographs, files, and connections.

Concluding lines 

Hey folks, I hope now you are clear on how you can set up effective group work. Is that right? If not, then read down the whole article again to understand it completely. 

Carter Martin

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