5 Effective modeling strategies for English learners

Providing examples or modeling strategies of how to complete learning tasks to English learners and all students is very useful during distant learning.

Despite the massive shifts in pedagogical practices brought on by the shift to online learning, tried-and-true practices like modeling for English learners remain critical. Because teachers can’t always intervene in real-time these days, effective modeling in which the teacher’s expectations for student performance are made apparent through an example can be a lifesaver for English learners. Let us get started to know more about the modeling strategies.  

What is modeling and why is it important? 

Modeling is an instructional style in which the teacher shows a new topic or approach to learning while the pupils observe and learn. A teacher models whenever he or she illustrates an idea to a student.

Modeling creates a visual picture of the system that will be created. A successful software organization benefits from modeling. Modeling is a well-established and widely used engineering technique. Modeling isn’t just for the construction business.

Students can benefit from teaching approaches that assist them to improve their social efficiency, personal talents, cognitive abilities, and behavioral characteristics. It makes it easier to choose and stimulate conditions that cause the desired changes in learners. They make it possible to establish scientific relationships between teaching and learning.

What are modeling strategies? 

The teacher engages pupils by demonstrating to them how to perform a skill while explaining each step and why it is important. Students will have a visual and vocal example of what they will be expected to accomplish as a result of this. Activity modeling is a technique for demonstrating how a system functions. In an activity modeling workshop, the participants collaborate to sketch a sequence of steps and the individual components involved in producing a behavior or result.

What are the types of effective models? 

Here are effective models in 5 types: Modeling can be done in a variety of ways. Modeling should always define the work’s expectations without giving away the answer, and it should be available to students throughout the activity. The following are a few examples of good models.

1. As an example, let’s finish the first one in a series:

Although this is the most basic form of modeling, it has been discovered that it is underutilized. It’s good to model one or two examples of the same sort of question or problem in any form of activity when students are going through several examples of the same type of question or problem. This permits the students to understand exactly what is expected of them.

2. Using visual models to provide explicit guidance on the assignment’s expectations:

Instead of using a lot of words, the embedded models use visuals to highlight the teacher’s expectations for performance without giving away the answers.

3. Providing sentence frames as models for conversational moves:

Providing sentence frames serves as a model for the types of discussions that students should be conducting. When ELs can focus on what they want to say rather than how to say it, they can engage in discussions more smoothly. Compare and contrast a See Think Wonder activity with language frames to a regular version of the same activity.

4. Using video to demonstrate how to finish the task’s steps:

Megan Berdugo of Brooklyn International High School created this movie to demonstrate how to solve an equation by demonstrating each step with an analogous scenario. Students can watch it as many times as they wish and pause when required to catch any words or ideas that they might have missed.

5. Breaking down the phases of a complicated process and giving pupils a template to fill out:

When there is a lot of text to wade through and it’s unclear which portion of the model relates to which part of the assignment, ELs can easily become overwhelmed by models of a paragraph, essay, or solution. Students can focus on one feature at a time by breaking the model into smaller bits and offering space next to each chunk. This reduces cognitive and linguistic demands.

Wrapping up the context

Concerns have been expressed that using a model decreases the difficulty of an assignment. No one could argue that while demystifying a teacher’s expectations makes a student’s task easier, it does not make it any less hard as long as the model cannot be duplicated. Great models allow students to go right to the heart of the activity rather than wasting valuable mental energy and time finding out what a teacher wants them to do. 

Last but not the least, Effective modeling is the simplest of the scaffolds, requiring the least amount of adaptation for particular pupils. Effective modeling, like many scaffolds, benefits all students, not only ELs. It gives critical access to any students who are struggling, and it can mean the difference between frustration and success.

Carter Martin

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