Honing your Craft with the Summer Training

Craft is the skill of making things, creating art, or performing any skillful tricks with tools, especially with hands. Craft can be in the form of any skill though. The craft of teaching is one of the skills that a teacher can utilize and develop in summer training. Summer means thinking about anything other than their classroom for some teachers. Summer, for others, gives a unique time to contemplate interesting and novel areas of our profession.

Summer also provides several possibilities for professional development for instructors.

In THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Summer Seminars from the National Endowment for the Humanities: The National Endowment for the Humanities provides a variety of summer seminars, ranging from examining Jewish communities in the South to investigating immigrant literature in Florida. The NEH provides stipends to aid with travel and living expenses.

Honing your Craft with the Summer Training! – Sharpening your Craft while Summer Seminar!

One can take part in conferences, and go trekking, which provides a research environment. In addition, exploring Yellowstone National Park. It was an experience that not only helped me better appreciate the power of storytelling in many situations but also drove me to collaborate more with our scientific professors.

Summer Symposium at Opal School: The Opal School in Portland, Oregon, offers a three-day intensive course to consider creative and cognitive capacities, which includes hands-on workshops by master teachers, time to collaborate with teachers from across the country, and opportunities to delve deeply into cognitive and inquiry-based research.

“This confirmed the concept that inquiry-based education extends well beyond the classroom and is the foundation for shaping the world,” one instructor stated. things we so desperately want to see in terms of originality, equity, cooperation, and empathy.” There are various scholarship possibilities available to aid with the costs.

Yellowstone Teacher Workshop: This STEAM program provides teachers with the chance to talk, plan, and explore novel and cross-curricular strategies for incorporating science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics instruction into their classrooms. All of this takes place against the breathtaking background of Yellowstone National Park. Teachers pay for their transportation to Yellowstone, as well as all meals and housing.

Worldwide Opportunities collaborative Crafts and Opportunities

Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program: Fulbright is a well-known academic institution. This Fulbright program provides a variety of collaborative workshops all around the world. The year-long program focuses on professional growth and includes travel components in the spring and summer. The program’s expenses are reimbursed.

NOAA Teacher at Sea: We teachers frequently feel like we’re captaining a ship, and now we can live on one. For two weeks to one month, instructors are hosted by the Teacher at Sea program. Teachers on board assist with basic responsibilities, write three or four logs every week about their experiences, and share their experiences and discoveries with others in some form.

“I received real-world research experience working with scientists on the Atlantic Ocean,” said one instructor, Sam Northern. Our goal was to investigate the hydrographic and planktonic components of the Northeast United States Continental Shelf. This 10-day trip taught me about the world’s seas, marine biology, and how actual governmental field science is performed, which I was able to pass on to my pupils.” The expense is covered by NOAA.

The Transatlantic Outreach Program of the Goethe-Institut: This fellowship permits K–12 teachers to spend two weeks in Germany and communicate with German educators regarding curriculum, STEM, and social studies. It also allows educators to learn about and comprehend German culture. The expenses are covered.

Summer Symposia at World Leadership School: The program, which is administered in collaboration with Global Education Benchmark Group, provides “a unique experience for schools to take a deep dive into Mexico/US border relations and the nuances of immigration laws.”

in the United States…. as well as the chance to develop, plan, and prepare relevant courses for use in the classroom the next school year.” The training costs between $1,100 to $3,080, although scholarships are available.

Working in other Countries

An international school may be an alternative for instructors who desire to work overseas over the summer. Teaching abroad allows you to explore while also honing your skills in an international context. Websites like GoAbroad and GoOverseas can assist you in finding opportunities and answering essential logistical issues such as visas.

Opportunities for Self-guided Learning

Creating your opportunity may be the greatest alternative for teachers who require flexibility.

Fund for Teachers: The Fund for Teachers gives financial assistance to educators who wish to create and engage in educational activities both in the United States and across the world. In a self-guided study Sarah Milianta-Laffin, one of the teachers, flew to Greece and Crete for training. “My 2013 fellowship aim was to shift my project-based learning focus from STEM to STEAM,” she explained.

We had enjoyable homework projects such as studying folks in cafés or shooting unusual doors as we traveled around a neighborhood. It was the first ‘class’ I’d ever taken that wasn’t a sit-and-get professional development session.” Milianta-Laffin further stated that “one teacher fellow can request a grant of up to $5,000, and a team of two or more teachers can request a grant of up to $10,000.”

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Facing History and Ourselves: The curriculum includes engaging webinars and on-demand learning, as well as a self-guided learning program to design their professional growth The alternatives are ideal for instructors who are unable to travel or who are traveling alone and wish to spend some of their time for professional development.

It is critical that we stay present and grounded in our classrooms and the communities we serve throughout the school year. Summer’s beauty is that it permits us to leave the areas we’ve painstakingly cultivated to recharge and grow ourselves.

Carter Martin

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