8 Proactive Classroom Management Tips | Managing a huge class | Smart tips

You might have heard from someone or may have noticed by yourself that teachers with proactive classroom management strategies are much calm and less worried about the grades of students as their students are already acing the grades game up. Also, the students of these teachers are wise, more friendly, less mischievous, more disciplined and show much engagement than those who don’t follow any proactive classroom management strategies. 

Classroom management is not a joke or an easy job to do. It is difficult to handle and manage the behaviour of a large group of students than just an individual. Students have different types of interests, every individual has own skills, ideology, etc. In the classroom, students are found to be more mischievous, as they perform naughty stuff in groups, peer pressure or any sort in order to create distractions. Following these tips that we are providing can help you manage the classroom smartly and get outcomes that contend to bring out of students.

First, we should get a detailed explanation of 

What is the proactive management of class?

Proactive classroom management is the way of using the strategies or methods by teachers to avoid and prevent any chance disruptions or disturbances (students misbehaviour, conflicts between students and teachers or students with other students or groups) while teaching the students so that they can teach them well. These strategies keep students connected to the teachers and lead to effective learning, yet maintain a positive environment in the class. 

The proactive classroom management is primarily composed of dealing with students’ problems in a positive way as possible, consistency in the rules, logical outcomes for behaviour issues, better organization and sticking to that, promoting social-emotional relationships, etc.

Why proactive classroom management is important?

Proactive classroom management will not only pause upon the misbehaving, mischievous activities but also will bring out higher grades of students, more students participation, friendly and open relationships in the classroom including teachers, boost up the overall performance of students. Proactive teachers are considered to be better teachers as they are successful in maintaining the discipline yet lively curriculum in the classroom.

Best 8 tips for proactive classroom management:

  1. Interact with students often:

Communicate with your students in a positive manner to create a better understanding with them. Get to know your students well, share your story, experience when you were of their age(encouraging ones), earn their trust and share words in a polite yet responsive tone. Show your best possible behaviours and motivate students by staying proactive and communicating proactively. Tell your students about their abilities, give feedback and suggest how can they deal with problems that are causing them trouble in class, grades too, all in a positive language to avoid any conflict.

Recent studies have shown that teachers who greet their students well at the beginning of class or at the door are known to have a positive synchronisation with the classroom. Students get more excited to hear and study from that teacher.

  1. Rational thinking and logical outcomes:

When it’s time to react to any kind of misbehaving, a teacher should always think rationally and not take it personally, coming out with a logical consequence after having a positive self convo. In proactive classroom management, teachers should be proactive enough to teach students about well-behaving, alternate behaviour that’s possible for a problem, familiarize them with mindfulness. Also, a teacher should avoid too much punishing a class, a teacher should address a student personally have polite words with the student instead of scolding the entire class. Ask them if they need help or want to ask any question that is bothering them?

  1. Set a reward system: 

You can set rewards for the students by positively giving them incentives in case they behave properly and in a good way. The rewards can be a verbal raise, non-verbal gesture praising the child in whole class, this will ultimately motivate and feed in mind to get that reward as well and ultimately this can evolve in them as a habit to behave well.

A teacher can also reward them with tangible things or free rewards like singing a song in class, being a ty to school you want, eating lunch with a friend or having a seat with them in a class etc.

  1. Create high expectations with the students:

Creating high expectations with the students not only enable them to know that school has expectations from them but also they understand what theta re supposed to know at the beginning of the year. They can seek help from the teacher to get to the level of that expectation and the teacher should guide them in a lovely manner as well.

  1. Organising classroom seats and setting rules:

There is a possibility that students will always look for seats with their buddies where they can have disruptions, talks and misbehaving activities more as compared to the seats allotted to them. Set the rules, take the help of students, make a list, discuss it with the students. Be consistent with the rules and the list. Make classroom more spacious, jin desks together instead of tables, make space to walk through the rows, mischievous also make sure students are not seated together.

  1. Create a positive relationship with parents:

Your effort of teaching can only well pay off unless parents of students are not giving their bit to the children. It is believed that parents have a huge role in a child’s success and learning. Put up a good term with the parents and let them all the facts regarding the students. Make the surprise call or positive letter, complementing about their children. The children after getting praise from their parents will be curious to get a more positive variety of reviews from you. 

  1. Make use of visual cues and reminders:

This strategy for proactive managing the class help in analyzing the behaviour of the class, different students when you are engaged with the board or reading a book. You can suddenly make a class quiet by these cues like everyone stop, freeze, statue, the ring of a bell( reminder), hand gesture, etc. These techniques will help you be less verbal and less forceful and they will get the instruction with the cues or reminders.

  1. Stay proactive and be consistent with the process:

Being present is really important for a teacher in order to manage the classroom proactively. Although we understand that teachers can have some personal issues as well, if you don’t supervise class ell, students are likely to get detached from the disciplined scenario and start creating mishaps. Keep checking on students, stay aware of each one’s behaviour, ask them questions in between to check their attentiveness. Create more humble eye contact and smile often which can give positive signals to the students.

Wrap up: 

Now you know how to deal with the behaviour of whale class and maintain your cool. A teacher always wants a good engagement of students to get to the teaching goal he wants and simultaneously nurture the future of the upcoming future( the students).

Carter Martin

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