5 strategies for successful Parent-Teacher conference| Effective tips

A parent-teacher conference is a chance for a teacher to lay out the plan and all the work effort he is performing in the class on their students. Parents are keen to know everything about their students in a limited time which can be a big deal for you, difficult work for you keeping everything synchronized and make the meeting more worth it.

In this time, teachers also get to know ‘a lot’ related to students so that the learning and teaching process becomes more strong. 

No doubt you can discuss major points regardless of this conference contacting them on a usual basis and making them aware about their kid. But a face-to-face conference has a whole nother level of benefit in the education of the students, you can show them records, assignments positively can convey the problems that student is going through, and set the resolutions for them, with more parents responsibility. Parents have a great role in students’ engagement in education and other skills. A fixed time limit can be an obstacle in the discussion. So, here are the best 5 strategies that can lead to effective, successful parent-teacher conferences.

Before the conference

  1. First thing first, decide the topics that you want to talk about and have a discussion about the student’s graph of progress. Make the parents aware about the conference prior one or two weeks so that they manage to come on that day and on time. Parents should be given invitations with proper date, time, and hall-related information where a meeting will happen. The time should be chosen in a way so as to make it suitable for all parents and for their availability. You can also send a copy of the key points to the parents that are going to be discussed at the conference. This will make the conference session more goal-oriented and organized. In case, the parents may not be able to show up, teachers still can go with inline conferencing with them so that material and pre-decided notes don’t get wasted. It is really difficult for teachers to remember tiny details about each student, so it’s really helpful keeping records of students, making notes so that tasks become quite easy and less stressful before the day of the conference. 
  1. Be prepared mentally(prepare the material to add to their progress, skills, make short and distinctive points according to the time limit) as well as physically because body language will also count to a smooth meeting. Be enough welcoming, sit next to the parents on the desk to look equal and genuine. When teachers are just not dependent on the conference and keep communicating with parents, upgrading them about their kid’s growth and trying to figure out what parents want to talk about. Send them more than one invite just in case they are busy, as reminders, to show how important it is to come to this conference.  Be polite while talking to them, humble and understanding.

During the conference:

  1. Not all parents are like, “yes, we completely get that our child is off the track lately” or all good and happy plus show cooperativeness. A teacher faces a lot of different parents and their behavior, not all are okay with listening to negative points about their kid, or just can’t accept it if it comes right at the beginning of the talk. So be calm, show good points to kids, be honest and focus on their expectations. Ensure them to work together to bring out the fine status of their child. That is your motive as a teacher. Don’t take abuse at all. Be patient in the process, keeping an eye on time too. Questions shouldn’t bother you, represent your goals and target for the child. That is what parents want: how much the teacher is into the teaching process and press into just bringing out negativity.
  1. Being specific and getting less distracted from the questions, can be effective as the time is limited and you have to put the most appropriate detail right on the table in the simplest way possible. Don’t flatter their child too much, it is crucial to let parents know about the problems and focus on solutions to them. Be clear about your observations, stay professional by getting less into the deep useless conversation with the parents and more focused on the child.

After the conference

  1. As the conference gets over, share a positive happy gesture signifying you are obliged that they attended the conference. You can simply tell them to contact you later in case of any queries or concerns, children can feel suspicious over this. You can alternatively call or email would be another good option for later updating. Work on the decided procedures and goals and make sure to tell the parents on a daily basis how their children are doing in the class with their other peers and curriculum.


Carter Martin

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