10 Strategies that Support English Language Learners across all Subjects

Not only language teachers are needed to teach and use learning strategies but also other content-area teachers are needed to act as language teachers first, due to the diversity in the classroom in order to provide the students help in topics. For this, the educators are needed to perform various strategies in the teaching plan and in the classroom to support the students. The ELL students are frequently overwhelmed by the burden of obtaining an English-language education while having little English proficiency, which makes it all the more vital for them to focus on their current strengths and apply the learning methodologies that work best for them. Moreover, these strategies not only help ELL students but also support other students in the class. So, what are you waiting for! Check these awesome strategies and help ELLs in the classroom and other subjects.

10 workable strategies to teach and support English Language Learners in the classroom

  1. Don’t rush, be clear while speaking: You are a key model of the English language for many of your English language learners since they are not exposed to spoken English in their families!

Use this chance to demonstrate proper grammar and pronunciation in the classroom to the fullest. This only can happen if you talk slowly and speak words clearly, emphasizing more on the key terms. Because English is not their first language, ELLs require more time to digest what they hear in English before they can make sense of it. The faster you speak, the more difficult it is for people to understand(including students with impaired hearing) and comprehend what you are saying.

Perhaps, the incorporation of complicated scientific jargon and concepts might make learning even more challenging. Make a list of essential phrases for kids to see and link to the spoken word.

  1. Plan lessons well: Check the content you are going to teach, see the vocabulary if it needs more practice and more work, as students might be able to understand one word but not another. English is vast like other languages and has simple to complex words, planning the chapters accordingly to make it easy for the ELL students to grasp the concept, then just figuring out the vocabulary. Prepare the models of various examples in the topic and represent them in the class to mold up their minds according to the topic. With this, you can also try a hand on charts, graphs, posters, pictures, graphic organizers, and other images to help the students effectively
  2. Knowing your students is important: ELLs are a very varied student population. So. It is important to create a good relationship with the students. Try to learn more about their abilities and interests. Make them feel welcome in the class. It might be beneficial to know their literacy abilities in that language, current levels of English proficiency, and past schooling. Be patient in this process, don’t do it all at once, and it’s better not to overload kids or families with too many questions at first, but taking some little effort early on can make a major impact later on. While teaching, make sure to give them enough time. Allowing more wait time will ease them to formulate the response and get less stressed over questions.
  3. Language acquisition: English language development demands the practices of all the main domains like speaking, writing, reading, and learning. All four of these categories require education and practice for students.
  4. Add physical movements: Use motions and gestures to support your words, such as when explaining class routines. Walk around the room, demonstrating exactly what they should do at each step of the way. Make your words more relevant to your ELLs by using your hands, facial emotions, and your entire body. When presenting a topic, model multiple examples of how the idea might be used, and progressively include your students in the process before asking them to apply the concept on their own. 
  5. Create groups, let them participate: Encourage cooperative learning. This will help them discuss, learn better and effectively. Setting the learning buddies( English speaking and English learner) is another great way. Giving them projects that they can perform in groups, work upon their thinking, let them share their views and experiences. 

Also, a welcoming and encouraging environment has a tremendous impact on student comfort, involvement, and achievement. Requiring English language learners to speak in front of the class may be counterproductive and generate a great deal of anxiety. Encourage children to express themselves, but do not push them onto the stage too soon.

  1. Let them use the resources:

The ELLs are the ones in the class facing the struggle to learn English, let them use language resources to reduce their anxiety and these resources can be bilingual dictionaries, glossaries, or other picture format dictionaries. Make them well aware of how to use it if they don’t know.

  1. Keep a check on students’ progress and give feedback: Assess the progress of the students, by quick comprehension-related questions on the topic, in between lesson teaching. This will let you know how much they are actually grasping the topic. If a student struggles to answer, handle that with care. Suggesting the students to take help from their classmate or arrange a group will effectively help the ELLs in making progress in the class.
  2. Set a word wall: Lodging a word wall in the classroom is highly beneficial for the ELLs. Post the new words in an organized way and set patterns so they can learn properly. Repeat this every week to widen the vocabulary.
  3. Use microphone: Using the microphone, can assist the ELL students hear the lecture much better and comprehend the sentences by clear listening. Record the lesson (if allowed) and digitally share the resultant video or audio with ELL students who may benefit from hearing/watching a replay. Similarly, when the speaker’s lips are concealed by a mask, ELLs struggle to produce accurate sounds. Consider distributing posters of mouth forms or recordings of yourself, unmasked, making some of these noises. Consider using these tactics to assist ELL students overcome communication barriers that impede them from fully engaging in their study and communicating who they are and what they can provide to the classroom.
Carter Martin

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