10 Best Plants to keep in the Classroom

With so many benefits of keeping plants in the classroom and reducing the stress of the children, teachers are experimenting with a variety of methods to help kids relax, including outdoor walks, mindfulness activities, and even allowing pupils to fidget. This list should include class plants. It has been proven that greenery reduces student stress and improves attentiveness. Students’ perspectives are also influenced by plants. In one research, university students enrolled in the same course with the same lecturer were split into two groups: one with plants and the other without. The course and teacher were evaluated much higher by students in the classroom with plants.

Students get a fresh feeling indoors, learning side by side. So, not wasting much time, let’s install those green luscious plants in the classroom. Here are the 10 best options for plants to place in the classroom.

The 10 best classroom plants ever

1.) Aloe vera

Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) is a succulent plant that has been cultivated for its medical and therapeutic capabilities.

  •  It is a low-maintenance plant that is suitable for use in the home or school.
  •  It can suffer root rot if you overwater it and leave the roots moist, which will destroy it. 
  • It needs to dry out between waterings, and it only requires a little water in the winter. 
  • Keep in mind that it is poisonous if eaten, and it should be kept out of reach of children under the age of six. Aloe “pups,” or little clones that appear around the mother plant over time, are popular among students. Teachers can use it in teaching asexual reproduction to the class as well.

2.) Snake plant

The snake plant, whose scientific name is Dracaena, is a clustered species that commonly exist in grouped form. They are really easy to grow, ideal to keep in the classroom, and need less maintenance 

  • Less water requirement
  • Best for classrooms without windows
  • Can withstand abuse
  • Make sure to trim the ends as they have hard leathery, and sharp edges.

3.) Yellow palm

The Yellow Palm(Areca Palm), often known as the Butterfly Palm, is one of the most popular and attractive palms. 

  • It tolerates the interior atmosphere, emits a lot of moisture into the air, eliminates chemical pollutants, and has a nice appearance. 
  • The yellow palm is frequently recognized as one of the finest houseplants for eliminating all types of indoor air pollutants.
  •  Because this indoor plant prefers direct, strong sunshine, it should be put near a window.

4.) Peace lily(Spathiphyllum)

Peace lilies are a simple plant to raise in the classroom. 

  • They wilt when they are dehydrated which makes the task of caring easy
  • They will blossom if given ample light. They don’t get a lot of light and don’t blossom, as you can see from ours. 
  • They’re also dangerous, so keep them out of the reach of little children.
  • They are on NASA’s top list of air purifiers.
  • The Peace Lily is very effective in removing alcohols, acetone, trichloroethylene, benzene, and formaldehyde.
  •  Its capacity to filter air contaminants, as well as its overall performance, makes it a very beneficial classroom plant. Best in indirect, medium-to-low sunlight.

5.) Spider plant( Chlorophytum Elatum)

  • This is an excellent plant for both schools and households. 
  • It’s quite easy to grow and maintain, and it doesn’t take up a lot of room.
  •  Spider plants thrive in direct sunlight and thrive on windowsills. You’re not watering them enough if the tips of their leaves start to turn brown. 
  • They also have runners, making them ideal for teaching students about asexual reproduction in plants. You can demonstrate how to clip the runners and propagate the cuttings into new plants.

6.) Cast iron plant(Zamioculcas zamilifoliais)

  • It is a low-maintenance plant that requires little upkeep. 
  • While it thrives in brilliantly illuminated environments, it may also thrive in less-lit environments. 
  • The ZZ plant maintains a dark, lustrous green appearance with a waxy, healthy-looking covering as long as it is neither overwatered nor scalded by overly-direct sunshine. 
  • Need less water (one to two times a month)

7.) Rubber plant( Ficus elastica)

  • These plants have high durability and can withstand low light and chilly temperatures, making them a perfect school plant for rambunctious kids. 
  • This plant is simple to cultivate and effective in removing chemical pollutants from the indoor environment, notable formaldehyde.
  •  Direct, bright sunshine to indirect, mild sunlight is ideal.

8.) English ivy( Hedera helix)

  • It is simple to cultivate and adaptable to a wide range of settings. 
  • They do not, however, do well in extreme temperatures. Best in indirect, medium-to-low sunlight.
  • They are runner plants so can easily grow. Cutting them enhances their growth not like spider plants but to some extent. Teachers can use this as a model for teaching cutting growth.


9.) Blue star fern( Phlebodium aureum)

  • Like other ferns, it likes to be wet. It is not a plant that can be left alone during the summer.
  •  Furthermore, it is an epiphyte, which means that its lustrous, deep green fronds and intriguing, fuzzy runners can be seen growing on tree branches in the wild.

10.) Pothos(Epipremnum aureum care) 

  • Best air purifiers
  • A great display option
  • Less toxic, less allergy-causing
  • Require less water
  • Low to medium light needed
  • A perfect model to teach students about caring and pruning.

Important ending note:

Though these plants can be proven to be great companions of children’s class sessions, make sure that these plants have some toxicity, and are not meant to be ingested(in most of cases) as they also include ornamental plants. Check on any allergic effects on the students, trim the edges, and not keep in close proximity to the students. Before buying, it is really important to look at the scientific background of these plants and then go for it.

Carter Martin

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